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newbreast.eu :: Uroš Ahčan

Dear Madam

Once we lived separated by distances, bad roads and poor paths. Today, however, we live in information society, which enables contacts with different people around the world and a rapid transfer or information. For this reason we thought of a “Clinic on distance”, where a patient could describe her problem or get a second opinion. In order to answer your questions and attend to your wishes accordingly it is necessary that information supplied is exact and well organized. In order to achieve that, we invite you to perform the following steps. This will enable us to obtain a clear picture of your problems and wishes and we will be able to offer you a clinical solution at short notice.

Online diagnostics
60% Complete
  • 1

    General personal information

  • 2

    Past medical history

  • 3

    Current health status and medication

  • 4

    Breast cancer diagnosis and classification

  • 5

    Breast cancer management

  • 6

    Previous breast reconstruction

  • 7

    Breast reconstruction questionnaire

  • 8

    Contact information

A diagnosis of breast cancer is a life-changing experience. Any woman, regardless of age, skin colour, education, profession or religious beliefs, will feel an instant sense of dread and mortality once she hears the diagnosis. At the same time, it is also a moment of courage and learning. Nowadays, patients benefit from a century of research and the experiences of those that preceded them. Today, we have a definitive diagnostic approach and, based on that analysis, a specific and concise approach to treatment. The most important step to be taken is finding a medical team that will guide the patient and accompany her in this journey. This is crucial because the treatment is individualised and because every patient and her wishes and expectations are unique. Breast cancer is a highly curable disease in developed countries, and there are a variety of treatments. The reconstruction of the breast, too, can be performed in many ways and thus, the harmony of the body and the mind restored. Reconstruction can be incorporated into the initial treatment of breast cancer or done at any later time. One only needs to seek the right surgeon in the right institution where they, together, will be able to restore the body to its whole self, which was lost in the operation but remains alive in the body image.

1. general personal information

In Basic Information Section we would like to get information about your weight and height, body type, skin type and colour, age, education level and habits.

Personal information

* Optional information

Social history




Based on BMI (Body Mass Index) Calculator (Weight/(Height/100)^2)


    BMI < 18,5



    BMI 18,5 - 24,9

    Normal weight


    BMI 25 - 29,9

    Slightly overweight


    BMI 30 - 39,9



    BMI > 40

    Extremely overweight

Select skin type nearest to yours
Select breast type nearest to yours





We recommend you to upload photographs of your body in a standardised fashion. Please follow the steps bellow


body type breast type

2. past medical history

Please check medical conditions you have had in the past and for which you are no longer taking medication If you listed the condition above in ‘Current Health Problems’, you do not need to check It here.

Past medical history
  • Heart Disease
  • Vascular Disease
  • Hematological Disease
  • Lung Disease
  • Skin Disease
  • Neurlogical Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Gastrointestinal Disease
  • Metabolic Disease
  • Orthopedic Disease
  • Autoimmune/Inflammatory Disease
  • Psychological Disease
  • Cancer

Past surgical history
  • Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
  • Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
  • Abdominal Surgery
  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery
  • Hearty Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Eye Surgery
  • Oncologic Surgery
Please pay extra attention to surgery of breast and abdominal region and make sure you did not leave anything behind. Also make sure you listed any implants (prosthetic heart valves, prosthetic joint, breast implants etc.) you are carrying.
Please describe post-operative scars you may have (location and type).



    Click on the area of the body, where the scar is located.




    Click on the area of the body, where the scar is located.




    Click on the area of the body, where the scar is located.




    Click on the area of the body, where the scar is located.


We recommend you to upload photographs of your scars in a standardised fashion. Please follow the steps bellow.


3. current health status and medication

If you are currently taking medication for a specific medical problem, please indicate the medical problem below.

Current diseases
  • Heart Disease
  • Vascular Disease
  • Hematological Disease
  • Lung Disease
  • Skin Disease
  • Neurlogical Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Gastrointestinal Disease
  • Metabolic Disease
  • Orthopedic Disease
  • Autoimmune/Inflammatory Disease
  • Psychological Disease
  • Cancer

Please list medications you are currency taking (including prescriptions, over the counter medications, vitamins, herbals and alternative therapies); please include start dates, dosage, and frequency of each medication if known.
  • Reactions:

4. Breast cancer diagnosis and classification

Palpable when diagnosed

Mammography report

Cancer Stage (TNM)

TNM breast cancer classification:


Additional Diagnostics

Choose appropriate and enter results

5. breast cancer management

Wide Local Excision:




Lymphatic node surgery:


Please describe if you had any side effects of oncologic surgical treatment:

If you noticed any skin changes after irradiation (radiation-induced dermatitis), please mark the box next to the symptom/sign.


Please fill out this part ONLY if you already had breast reconstruction surgery
Your breast reconstruction was:


What type of breast reconstructive surgery did you have?
What do you consider to be the main problem (problems) of postoperative outcome?
Size of the breast
Shape of the breast
What do you want to achieve with this breast reconstruction surgery?


Please rate the importance to you personally on the following scale below
1. How well informed are you regarding different options of breast reconstruction?
Poorly informed
Very well informed


2. How important it is for you to look proportionate in clothing?
Not important at all
Extremely important


3. How important it is for you to not have to deal with an external prosthesis?
Not important at all
Extremely important


4. How important it is for you to undergo as few procedures as possible?
Not important at all
Extremely important


5. How important to you is to have minimal scaring (on your breasts as well as abdominal region)?
Not important at all
Extremely important


6. How important it is for you not to have a long recovery or long post-operative hospital stay?
Not important at all
Extremely important


7. What are your expectations regarding the appearance of breast reconstruction? How similar do you expect the reconstructed breast to be, compared to the non-affected side?
Similarity is not that important
I would like my reconstructive breast to feel exactly like the non-affected side


8. How similar do you expect the reconstructed breast to feel, compared to the non-affected side?
Similarity is not that important
I would like my reconstructive breast to feel exactly like the non-affected side


9. How do you feel about having silicone implants?
I would like to have silicone implants
I don’t want silicone implants


10. Do you wish to have an aesthetic correction of the other (unaffected) breast?
11. How much time can you spare from your job or your daily routine for postoperative recovery?
12. What physical activities, sports, or hobbies do you do on a regular basis?
13. Are you prepared to commit to a healthy lifestyle (quit smoking, regular exercise…) for the time of reconstruction procedure?

8. Contact information

© Uroš Ahčan | 2014