Even though online counselling can be a great help in the first step toward a decision, every patient should be aware that such counsel cannot replace a physical examination performed by a doctor. Also, nobody is able to predict the unique reaction of the body to different external stimuli, which can greatly influence the end result of the procedure.
An assessment of the state of her health, the treatment so far, and an evaluation of the most appropriate method of reconstruction for the restoration of the integrity of the body with the help of an internationally recognised specialist who is deeply involved with breast reconstruction and aesthetic surgery. The examination can serve as the second opinion or as the first step in the process of performing the procedure in our medical institution.
1. Realistic and independent delivery of facts about the expected result or an evaluation of a result on the grounds of our rich experience and good clinical practice.
2. A professional approach and absolute security of personal information, which will be used explicitly for the purpose of counselling.
Some factors affecting the end result of the treatment do not depend on the knowledge and the skills of the surgeon and therefore cannot be predicted. These include, but are not limited to:
Counselling also cannot and must not be a replacement for the patient’s personal decision; it should serve as a help and guideline and should not affect the decision of every individual patient in any way.
The user cannot expect professional medical counselling or the planning of unrealistic or harmful wishes regarding the procedure because this would be in opposition to both the professionalism of the physician and their objective – the care for health.